Wild River Overview:

Wild River (1960) was a Drama - Romance Film directed by Elia Kazan and produced by Elia Kazan.


Clift portrays an agent for the Tennessee Valley Authority assigned to move people out of the valley to make way for a dam. He encounters resistance from an 80 year-old woman (Van Fleet, who was only 40 at the time!) and racism from those who don't appreciate his evenhanded treatment of local blacks. Remick, Van Fleet's granddaughter, finds him admirable, however, and they eventually marry. Perhaps only Kazan could have cajoled a performance of this caliber out of Clift at this point in his career.

(Source: available at Amazon AMC Classic Movie Companion).


Wild River was inducted into the National Film Registry in 2002.

Wild River BlogHub Articles:

Wild River (1960): Elia Kazan and Monty Clift at Their Most Subtle

By 4 Star Film Fan on Sep 30, 2019 From 4 Star Films

“You’re getting awful human aren’t you Chuck?” ~ Lee Remick as Carol “I was always human, wasn’t I?” ~ Montgomery Clift as Chuck With the mention of the Tennessee Valley Authority and what feels like Depression newsreel footage?suggesting the work they are l... Read full article

Wild River (1960)

By Beatrice on Jan 16, 2017 From Flickers in Time

Wild River Directed by Elia Kazan Written by Paul Osborn based on novels by William Bradford Huie and Borden Deal 1960/USA Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation First viewing/Amazon Instant It’s nice to have a candidate for Best New-to-Me Film of 2017 so early in the year! The year is 1937... Read full article

Wild River (1960, Elia Kazan)

By Andrew Wickliffe on Feb 8, 2015 From The Stop Button

Director Kazan opens Wild River with newsreel footage of the Tennessee River at flood. The film is set in the 1930s, something else the newsreel footage establishes. Kazan and screenwriter Paul Osborn spend the least amount of time possible setting up the film. The newsreel takes care of setting, wh... Read full article

Wild River (1960)

on Aug 30, 2013 From Journeys in Classic Film

My penultimate post explores Elia Kazan‘s little-known work: 1960′s Wild River. ?Oft-considered one of his lesser masterpieces, I wouldn’t put that level of praise on this mature and burgeoning social drama. ?Montgomery Clift, only six years before his death, is the weakest link in... Read full article

Wild River (1960) @ the Harvard Film Archive and the Walking Ethnic Stereotype

By Google profile on Aug 12, 2009 From Out of the Past - A Classic Film Blog

About MeBlogger, Out of the Past - A Classic Film Blog and more. Please add my Google profile to your circles. Lee Remick as Carol: You're getting awful human, Chuck.Montgomery Clift as Chuck: I've always been human.The Harvard Film Archive in Cambridge, MA is featuring Elia Kazan films this month.... Read full article

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Quotes from Wild River

Carol Garth Baldwin: [to Chuck] I'm leaving here, with you or without you, but I want you to know something... I'd be a good wife for you. A DAMN good wife. I'm smarter than you in some ways and I know what's good about you and I know what's bad and I'm not afraid to tell you... I have two children who love you. They love you and I love you... and you're not easy to love, but you do need someone... and I love you. I love you, I love you.

Chuck Glover: [to Carol] Marry me?
[Carol says nothing]
Chuck Glover: I know I'll probably regret it, and I'm sure you'll regret it... but... get your hat, and a coat, wash up. Alright?
[Carol nods yes]

Chuck Glover: [Referring to his drunkenness] I apologize for the other night.
Ella Garth: First and only time I ever liked you!
[Slams the door in his face]

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Facts about Wild River

Elia Kazan was always fond of this movie and sometimes even said it was his favorite of all the films he made. In the 1970s he tried to buy the rights so that he could re-release it to the public, but the studio's asking price was too high for him.
June Carter Cash auditioned for the role of Carol.
For the role of Chuck, Elia Kazan's first choice was Marlon Brando.
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National Film Registry

Wild River

Released 1960
Inducted 2002

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Also released in 1960

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