Where Does It Hurt? Overview:

Where Does It Hurt? was a Film directed by Rod Amateau .

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Facts about Where Does It Hurt?

"Where Does It Hurt?" was filmed with much of the production money invested by director Rod Amateau and actor Peter Sellers, making the director and star both acting producers of the film. On the first day of filming, Sellers phoned Amateau and asked that a limousine be sent to his Los Angeles hotel to transport the actor to the film studio. Amateau explained to Sellers that he'd be glad to send a limousine to transport the actor, but since Sellers was sharing in the expenses of the production as well as the profits, the limousine would cost the actor fifty dollars per day. The next morning, Sellers arrived at the studio in the passenger seat of a pickup truck driven by the film's key grip. Passing Amateau on his way to the set, Sellers explained to the director, "He lives near me."
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