Viridiana Overview:

Viridiana (1961) was a Foreign Films Film directed by Luis Bu?uel and produced by Pere Portabella, Gustavo Alatriste and Ricardo Mu�oz Suay.

Viridiana: BlogHub Articles:

Viridiana (1961)

By Beatrice on May 24, 2017 From Flickers in Time

Viridiana Directed by Luis Bu?uel Written by Julio Alejandro and Luis Bu?uel 1961/Spain/Mexico Union Industrial Cinematografica/Gustavo Alatriste/Films 59 Repeat viewing/Netflix rental One of 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die I had to keep reminding myself to keep a sense of humor during th... Read full article

Viridiana (1961)

By 4 Star Film Fan on Feb 23, 2016 From 4 Star Films

Luis Bunuel like another cinematic auteur, Ingmar Bergman, seems to often fill his films with religious imagery and themes, but whereas Bergman appears to have genuine questions about his own spirituality, Bunuel is all but content to subvert all such depictions for his own purposes. He has a wicked... Read full article

Viridiana (1961)

By 4 Star Film Fan on Feb 23, 2016 From 4 Star Films

Luis Bunuel like another cinematic auteur, Ingmar Bergman, seems to often fill his films with religious imagery and themes, but whereas Bergman appears to have genuine questions about his own spirituality, Bunuel is all but content to subvert all such depictions for his own purposes. He has a wicked... Read full article

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Quotes from Viridiana:

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Facts about Viridiana:

Conchita Buñuel said the costumes in the film were authentic. "We scoured the outlying districts of Madrid for them, particularly under bridges, giving poor people new clothes in exchange for their rags, which were then disinfected but not washed."
Voted best Spanish film by professionals and critics in 1996 Spanish cinema centenary.
The script was initially approved by the Spanish authorities with a few minor changes. They had no opportunity to view the finished film until it played at the Cannes Film Festival where it won the Grand Prix. Nevertheless they were sufficiently horrified by what they saw to ban the film.
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Also released in 1961

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