Two Seconds Overview:

Two Seconds (1932) was a Drama - Crime Film directed by Mervyn LeRoy and produced by Hal B. Wallis.

BlogHub Articles:

Pre-Code Crazy: Two Seconds (1932)

By shadowsandsatin on Dec 7, 2017 From Shadows and Satin

Before I decided to choose?Two Seconds (1932) for this month?s Pre-Code Crazy pick, I?d only seen the first five minutes of it ? I’d never made it any further. Boy, was I a dope. This is a really good one, y?all. Trust me. What?s it about? To be honest, it was really hard for me to do the writ... Read full article

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Quotes from

Shirley Day: [Getting ready to leave for the dance hall in a tight-fitting dress] Well, Big Boy, what do I look like now?
John Allen: [Contemptuously] Just like what you are!

College Boy at Execution: Look, Doctor, when that current's turned on, how long will it take before it's all over?
The Prison Doctor: You mean before I'll pronounce him dead?
College Boy at Execution: No, before he actually is dead. Will he pass out as soon as the current hits him?
The Prison Doctor: No.
Reporter: He won't? I thought it was all over just like that!
[He snaps his finger]
The Prison Doctor: Not with a powerful fellow like John Allen. His body will be paralyzed but his brain will continue to function for... maybe two seconds.
College Boy at Execution: Gee, those'll be the longest two seconds he ever lived!
The Prison Doctor: Long enough for him to relive his whole life!

John Allen: [Referring to Bud's racetrack winnings] Say, you ain't gonna blow him the whole 38?
Bud Clark: Well, I sure am! You don't spend easy money fast, no more will ever come to you.

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Facts about

The premise behind this film was previously used in The Last Moment.
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Also directed by Mervyn LeRoy

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Also produced by Hal B. Wallis

More about Hal B. Wallis >>
Also released in 1932

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