This Island Earth Overview:

This Island Earth (1955) was a Science Fiction - Horror Film directed by Joseph M. Newman and produced by William Alland.

BlogHub Articles:

THIS ISLAND EARTH On Blu-ray From Shout Factory

By Dan Day, Jr. on Jul 25, 2019 From The Hitless Wonder Movie Blog

Universal's 1955 THIS ISLAND EARTH is one of the greatest science-fiction films ever made. It's a magnificent, colorful adventure, bigger and bolder than any of the black & white sci-fi features the studio made during the same time period. It is also never really been given its proper appreciat... Read full article

This Island Earth

By Beatrice on Feb 25, 2016 From Flickers in Time

This Island Earth Directed by Joseph Newman Written by Franklin Coen and George Callahan; story by Raymond F. Jones 1955/USA Universal International Pictures First viewing/Netflix rental Some interesting special effects accompany a plodding and puzzling screenplay. Dr. Cal Meacham (Rex Reason) is... Read full article

This Island Earth – part 4

By Tom on Apr 5, 2012 From The Old Movie House

Before Ruth and Cal can continue they must adjust to the difference in pressure. But before they go through with it Exeter insists they watch some of his crew go through it. The only woman on board is in charge of the procedure. After Ruth and Cal have their first encounter with the thermal barr... Read full article

This Island Earth-part 3

By Tom on Mar 31, 2012 From The Old Movie House

After a dinner that consists of barely acceptable wine, rubbery chicken, and mindless chit-chat Steve and Ruth take a chance and take Cal into their confidence. Apparently some of the people who have worked there have had a sudden reversal of opinion. There’s no truly polite way of saying it &... Read full article

This Island Earth - part 2

By Tom on Mar 29, 2012 From The Old Movie House

Just in case you’ve forgotten where we were in the film Cal and Joe observe a man on the screen of the Interociter. He says his name is Exeter, and that he is a peace engineer. He goes on to praise Cal for constructing the Interociter. Now I would like to point out, for the record, that the co... Read full article

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Quotes from

Dr. Cal Meacham: What do you think of Mr. Mozart, Exeter?
Exeter: I'm afraid I don't know the gent... My mind must have been wandering. Your composer, of course.
Dr. Cal Meacham: "Our" composer! He belongs to the world.
Exeter: Yes, indeed.

Dr. Ruth Adams: My mind is my own, and nobody's going to change it! I'm not going into that room!

Dr. Cal Meacham: Sun lamp?
Dr. Ruth Adams: That's what it looks like. Only instead of a suntan, you get your brain cells rearranged.

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Facts about

According to Faith Domergue, the pants of her costume were so skintight that she could not wear underwear. A female assistant had to help her put them on and take them off.
In a magazine article the special effects department admitted that the "mutant" costume originally had legs that matched the upper body but they had so much trouble making the legs look and work properly they were forced by studio deadline to simply have the mutant wear a pair of trousers. Posters of the movie show the mutant as it was supposed to appear.
After Dr. Meacham has arrived at the secret lab in Georgia and the scientists are having a dinner, a woman comments the music playing at the background by saying: "Mozartti on oikein kaunista." This is Finnish and means "The music of Mozart is very beautiful."
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