Think Fast, Mr. Moto Overview:

Think Fast, Mr. Moto (1937) was a Action - Adventure Film directed by Norman Foster and produced by Sol M. Wurtzel.

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Quotes from

Bob Hitchings: Are you hurt?
Kentaro Moto: No, thank you. Only a slight mishap.
Bob Hitchings: Gee, I thought sure we were gonna kill somebody.
Kentaro Moto: Mr. Moto is a very difficult fellow to kill.

Kentaro Moto: Half the world spends its time laughing at the other half, and both are fools.

Bob Hitchings: Now I know who you are! You're the Japanese Sandman.
Kentaro Moto: [shakes head] Strange people, these Americans.

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Facts about

First of Fox's eight film series that starred Peter Lorre, followed by Mr. Moto Takes a Chance.
The movie version is greatly changed from the original novel: in the novel, the criminals were using the ship to bring gambling assets to Japan, and Mr. Moto was a Japanese agent assigned to stop them from doing so.
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Also directed by Norman Foster

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Also released in 1937

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