They Got Me Covered Overview:

They Got Me Covered (1943) was a Musical - Comedy Film directed by David Butler and produced by Samuel Goldwyn.


This is a wartime Hope vehicle, which he carries single-handedly, about two journalists in Washington who become involved in a triangle of kidnapping, romance, and murder. Sight gags, as well as one-liners, abound, as do many fun-to-spot cameos and early roles for Doris Day and others. And who's that singing every time Hope opens his cigarette case? You got it: Bing. Butler directed the best of the Road movies, Road to Morocco (1942).

(Source: available at Amazon AMC Classic Movie Companion).


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Facts about They Got Me Covered

In the scene where Hope opens the music box we hear Bing Crosby singing his hit "When The Blue Of The Night". Hope says the line "That guy is haunting me". Crosby and Hope were co-stars in the famous "Road Pictures" and often made cameos in each others films.
Samuel Goldwyn paid Paramount $133,500 to borrow Bob Hope for twelve weeks, during which time Hope made this film and The Princess and the Pirate.
"The Screen Guild Theater" broadcast a 30 minute radio adaptation of the movie on February 15, 1943 with Bob Hope and Dorothy Lamour reprising their film roles.
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