The Swimmer Overview:

The Swimmer (1968) was a Drama - Romance Film directed by Sydney Pollack and Frank Perry and produced by Frank Perry and Roger Lewis.

The Swimmer BlogHub Articles:

The Swimmer (1968): A Fable Starring Burt Lancaster

By 4 Star Film Fan on Feb 25, 2020 From 4 Star Films

I am tempted to call The Swimmer a pretentious fable about the waters of life. It is set in the upper echelon of Connecticut society, but the same cross-section might hold true in California as well. In fact, one could say this film effectively extends the pool metaphor of The Graduate (1967). Becau... Read full article

The Swimmer (1968)

By Beatrice on Feb 14, 2020 From Flickers in Time

The SwimmerDirected by Frank Perry Written by Eleanor Perry from a short story by John Cheever 1968/US IMDb lnk First viewing/Amazon Instant Burt Lancaster’s “Swimmer” takes a poke at Mid-Century prosperity and despair. After a long absence Neddy Merrill (Lancaster) shows up in h... Read full article

book: The Swimmer (2013; trans 2015 Elizabeth Clark Wessel) by Joakim Zander

By John Grant on Jan 10, 2020 From Noirish

The publisher seems keen to make us believe that this novel represents the emergence of a new John Le Carr? or Graham Greene. Their copywriters should read a bit more Le Carr? or Greene before making such comparisons, because they’re not doing Joakim Zander any favors. You won’t find in ... Read full article


By Terry on May 27, 2018 From Stardust and Shadows

All I can say is? wow? after this one with Burt Lancaster take risks? as a performer? and for story content.? ? THE SWIMMER (1968)? Directed by Frank Perry? is? a? stylish? journey of? Man: in this case? Ned Merrill (Burt Lancaster) to ‘swim home” in his neighbor’s pools which are ... Read full article

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Quotes from The Swimmer

Ned Merrill: Howie!
Howie Hunsacker: Hi, Mister Merrill.
Ned Merrill: Oh Howie, lend me fifty cents.
Lillian Hunsacker: Don't you do it, Howie.
Ned Merrill: Howie, for Christ's sake.
Howie Hunsacker: What's fifty cents, more or less? I mean - considering.
Ned Merrill: Thanks, Howie. Thanks a lot, chum. Thanks an *awful* lot.

Ned Merrill: You see, if you make believe hard enough that something is true, then it *is* true for *you*.

[first lines]
Donald Westerhazy: Where have you been keeping yourself?
Ned Merrill: Oh, here and there. Here and there.

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Facts about The Swimmer

Although the critical response at the time was mixed, critics were unanimous in their praise of Burt Lancaster's physique, especially considering he was 52 at the time of filming.
Siouxsie and the Banshees' 1978 debut album "The Scream" was inspired by this film.
The scene between Burt Lancaster and Janice Rule was directed by Sydney Pollack.
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