The Phantom Creeps Overview:

The Phantom Creeps (1939) was a Science Fiction - Adventure Film directed by Ford Beebe and produced by Henry MacRae.

BlogHub Articles:

The Phantom Creeps (1939, Ford Beebe and Saul A. Goodkind)

By Andrew Wickliffe on May 10, 2018 From The Stop Button

For the first few chapters, Bela Lugosi can carry The Phantom Creeps. He?s hamming it up as a mad scientist surrounded by actors who can?t even ham. Creeps has some truly terrible performances, particularly from its other leads, Robert Kent and Dorothy Arnold. He?s the military intelligence officer ... Read full article

The Phantom Creeps (1939, Ford Beebe and Saul A. Goodkind), Chapter 12: To Destroy the World

By Andrew Wickliffe on May 9, 2018 From The Stop Button

Sadly, there?s not much world destroying in To Destroy the World. Not even when Bela Lugosi, finally reunited with his meteorite and able to escape, decides instead he?s going to steal a biplane and bomb things. Starting with the federal building. Only he drops a bomb on a zeppelin, which does indee... Read full article

The Phantom Creeps (1939, Ford Beebe and Saul A. Goodkind), Chapter 11: The Blast

By Andrew Wickliffe on May 8, 2018 From The Stop Button

The Blast features some of Phantom Creeps?s most prevalent tropes. Good guys following bad guys because they happened to drive and pass one another. Jack C. Smith?s henchman (to Bela Lugosi?s mad scientist) getting shot and dazed. Smith?s been shot at least three times (and dazed) in the serial. Som... Read full article

The Phantom Creeps (1939, Ford Beebe and Saul A. Goodkind), Chapter 10: Phantom Footprints

By Andrew Wickliffe on May 7, 2018 From The Stop Button

The title, Phantom Footprints, could almost refer to when a spy?seeing invisible Bela Lugosi?s shadow?thinks there might be something there. But then another spy just tells the first spy to shut up about it. It happens twice, first with Anthony Averill saying it?s stupid, then (after Averill starts ... Read full article

The Phantom Creeps (1939, Ford Beebe and Saul A. Goodkind), Chapter 9: Speeding Doom

By Andrew Wickliffe on May 6, 2018 From The Stop Button

Speeding Doom once again has the good guys, bad guys, and Bela Lugosi trying to get Lugosi?s box. In the box is a powerful meteorite, which allows for all of Lugosi?s inventions. But the good guys and bad guys don?t know about it yet. They still aren?t sure Lugosi?s alive. Until the bad guys chase L... Read full article

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Quotes from

[after surviving a car crash, Zorka notices the hitch hiker they picked up, who looks like him, is dead.]
Dr. Alex Zorka: How fortunate, this will simplify everything!

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Facts about

The explosion and avalanche footage from Universal's 1934 serial 'The Vanishing Shadow' (1934) is used in Chapter 11 of this serial as stock footage.
The scene in which Professor Zorka is lowered into a pit while wearing a protective suit is taken from the film _The Invisible Ray (1936)_ and it is actually Boris Karloff inside of the costume, not Bela Lugosi.
When Dr. Zorka drops the bomb on the dirigible, the stock footage is of the actual news footage of the explosion and crash of the Hindenburg.
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Also directed by Ford Beebe

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Also produced by Henry MacRae

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Also released in 1939

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