The Outcast Overview:

The Outcast (1954) was a Action - Drama Film directed by William Witney .

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Jet Cosgrave: I'm moving into Newmark Valley with my own brand - The Target.
Major Linton Cosgrave: You won't be staying very long, Jet. You have no rights to Newmark.
Jet Cosgrave: Neither do you.
Major Linton Cosgrave: On the contrary. Hal Newmark's left Colorado. I'm taking care of the valley until he returns.
Jet Cosgrave: He won't return unless it's from the dead and you know it.

Major Linton Cosgrave: My lawyer calls it squatters' rights.
Jet Cosgrave: Tell your lawyer the Newmark has a new squatter and enough guns to keep trespassers out. And that means you, Major.

Dude Rankin: So this is Colton, huh? Wonder where a man can find some excitement.
Jet Cosgrave: You'll get your belly full of excitement. I want all your men at Sam Allen's stable come sun-up tomorrow and I want you all sober.
Dude Rankin: All right. Let's hit all the saloons and dig 'em out.
Jet Cosgrave: No, I got some personal business to do.
Dude Rankin: Yeah? Well, so do I. It starts with some whiskey. And if you're old enough, you what goes on from there.

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Also directed by William Witney

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Also released in 1954

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