The Night of the Following Day Overview:

The Night of the Following Day (1968) was a Crime - Drama Film directed by Richard Boone and Hubert Cornfield and produced by Al Lettieri, Hubert Cornfield, Elliott Kastner and Jerry Gershwin.

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[He's been concealing a gun]
Leer: You know, some day, somebody is gonna invent a comfortable gun.

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Facts about

In the scene in which Rita Moreno is in the tub zonked out on heroin, Marlon Brando entered the set completely drunk and played the scene in that condition. In the editing room director Hubert Cornfield had to delete the parts in which his drunkenness was apparent.
Stanley Kubrick was originally interested in adapting Lionel White's "The Snatchers", upon which this movie was based. However, due to a ban on the subject of kidnapping in the 1950s, Kubrick opted to do The Killing, which was also based upon a Lionel White story.
At Marlon Brando's insistence, the last scenes of the shooting schedule were directed by Richard Boone, as Brando could no longer stand for what he considered the incompetence of director Hubert Cornfield.
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