The Last Days of Pompeii Overview:

The Last Days of Pompeii (1935) was a Adventure - Drama Film directed by Merian C. Cooper and Ernest B. Schoedsack and produced by Merian C. Cooper.

The Last Days of Pompeii BlogHub Articles:

Os ?ltimos Dias de Pompeia (1913) / The Last Days of Pompeii (1913)

By L? on Nov 30, -0001 From Critica Retro

Os ?ltimos Dias de Pompeia (1913) / The Last Days of Pompeii (1913) ESTE ARTIGO CONT?M SPOILERS THIS ARTICLE HAS SPOILERS Voc? tem medo de vulc?es? Quer dizer, quem n?o tem? E se eu disser que voc? pode j? ter passado por lugares que j? foram vulc?es – ou pode at? viver num local criado... Read full article

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Quotes from The Last Days of Pompeii

Prefect: What do you keep behind these locks and bolts?
Marcus: My fortune, excellency. It's a safe place.
Burbix: Would the prefect like to inspect the barbarians - the Britons who are to fight tomorrow?
Marcus: Yes.
[to the prefect]
Marcus: Captives from Agricola's campaign.
Prefect: I wonder why we Romans trouble ourselves with that wretched island? After it's conquered, what good is it?
Marcus: Don't you believe we can ever civilize the Britons?
Prefect: Those people? They'll always be barbarians. What will they ever do?

Pontius Pilate: I am innocent of the blood of this just man.

Cleon, the Slave Dealer: I don't think you should look down on me, my friend. Aren't we in the same business? We both furnish amusement for the people.
Marcus: I risk my life with the man I'm fighting. You buy and sell wretches to be slaughtered as a spectacle. I'm not proud of myself, but, by Jupiter, compared to you I'm a holy man.
Cleon, the Slave Dealer: You will never be an old one. It isn't bravery that survives; it's brains.
Marcus: Yes, it is well known that the rat lives longer than the lion, but who wants to be a rat? I wouldn't do your dirty work - not to save my life!

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Facts about The Last Days of Pompeii

Despite all the spectacle, the movie was a box-office flop, and required several re-releases (on a double bill with King Kong) to earn back its cost.
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