The Devil's Brother Overview:

The Devil's Brother (1933) was a Comedy - Musical Film directed by Hal Roach and Charley Rogers and produced by Hal Roach.

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Quotes from The Devil's Brother

Stanlio: I don't want to be walking around with my throat cut.

Stanlio: Why don't we start at the top?
Ollio: Whatya mean?
Stanlio: Well, why don't we become bandits? Then we wouldn't have to work hard anymore. Let's get it the easy way. We could rob the rich and give them to the poor, and we could have all...
Ollio: [Interrupting him] That's the first time you've shown any intelligence.
Stanlio: Well, it's the first time you've listened to me. You know if you listened to me, in a while you'd be a lot better off.
Ollio: I guess you're right. Tell me that plan again.
Stanlio: [Bewildered] All of it?
Ollio: Certainly, certainly!
Stanlio: Well, if we became rich and we robbed the poor and gave them to the bandits and... we could start at the top, and we'd get to the bottom without working hard anymore. We can't go wrong. It's the law of conversation.
Ollio: What do you mean?
Stanlio: Well, as ye cast your bread on the waters, so shall ye reap.
Ollio: That's very well thought out!

Ollio: I'm not afraid of poverty.
Stanlio: But I am.

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Facts about The Devil's Brother

Actor John Qualen is often erroneously credited with the bit role of the owner of the bull. However it is clearly not Qualen in the role nor is it his voice.
In the wine cellar scene, it is so cold that Ollio's breath can be seen.
One of the first movies to have exit music.
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Also directed by Hal Roach

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Also produced by Hal Roach

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Also released in 1933

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