The Devil at 4 O'Clock Overview:

The Devil at 4 O'Clock (1961) was a Adventure - Drama Film directed by Mervyn LeRoy and produced by Mervyn LeRoy and Fred Kohlmar.

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Quotes from

Father Matthew Doonan: I'll bet you were a sweet little altar boy.
Harry: Weren't we all?

Charlie: I was a pretty good thief in my time.
Father Matthew Doonan: I believe that.
Charlie: It's too late. Can't you get out now?
Father Matthew Doonan: It's never too late to change.
Charlie: My mother, that's what she used to say, "It's never too late."
Father Matthew Doonan: She was right.
Charlie: She kept after me - kept tellin' me - there was another thief once dyin' on the cross right next to Christ.
Father Matthew Doonan: The Good Thief.
Charlie: That's what she called him.
Father Matthew Doonan: He didn't chicken out. He just got smart and at the very last moment, he stole Heaven.
Charlie: That's pretty good stealin', huh?

Father Joseph Perreau: God go with you.
Harry: God? Who is he?
Charlie: I've never heard of him.

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Facts about

This film was made and released about three years after Max Catto's source novel 'The Devil at 4 O'Clock' was first published in 1958.
On the main American movie poster for this picture, an image of a volcano is formed out of the wording of the film's 'The Devil at 4 O'Clock' title.
Spencer Tracy received top / first billing, Frank Sinatra received second billing.
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Also released in 1961

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