The Corpse Vanishes Overview:

The Corpse Vanishes (1942) was a Science Fiction - Horror Film directed by Wallace Fox and produced by Sam Katzman, Jack Dietz and Barney A. Sarecky.

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Fagah: Why do you beat my son so hard?
Dr. Lorenz: Because he's at best an animal, and some day I shall have to destroy him.
Fagah: My poor son!... Why was he ever born?

Patricia Hunter: Oh, professor, do you also make a habit of collecting coffins?
Dr. Lorenz: Why, yes, in a manner of speaking. I find a coffin much more comfortable than a bed.

Dr. Foster: These young girls, whether dead or alive, are being used by Lorenz in some manner as human guinea pigs to sustain his wife in a youthful state.
Keenan: Oh, that's preposterous.
Patricia Hunter: It's nothing of the kind. Scientists are finding out every day that glands and hormones have a lot to do with life and health.
Dr. Foster: The glands in our bodies help to determine the condition of our teeth, the texture of our hair.

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Facts about

Filmed March 13-April 1 1942, the 4th of Bela Lugosi's 9 Monogram features.
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Also directed by Wallace Fox

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Also produced by Sam Katzman

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Also released in 1942

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