The Big Trees Overview:

The Big Trees (1952) was a Action - Drama Film directed by Felix E. Feist and produced by Louis F. Edelman.

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Quotes from

Jim Fallon: Stop thinking so hard, Frenchie. You're liable to get yourself a bad headache.

Alicia Chadwick: Men have been known to change.
Walter 'Yukon' Burns: Oh, lady, even I have been given up by women reformers! The biggest mistake a woman can make is to pick the wrong man and try to make him right.

Judge Crenshaw: Mr. Burns, I've heard you were an honest man and good with a gun. But I also heard you confessed to weakness for liquor, cards and women.
Walter 'Yukon' Burns: Not women, your Honor. They ain't for the weak.

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Facts about

As of 2002, the rights to this film became public domain, and DVD copies that were "digitally remastered" began appearing in 99 Cent stores in LA area in 2004.
The reading that Fallon does at the dinner is from Psalms 41, verse 1.
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Also directed by Felix E. Feist

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Also produced by Louis F. Edelman

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Also released in 1952

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