The Animal Kingdom Overview:

The Animal Kingdom (1932) was a Comedy - Drama Film directed by George Cukor and Edward H. Griffith and produced by David O. Selznick.


An awkward love triangle is created when a publisher (Howard) encounters a moral speed bump and engages in an affair with an open-minded artist (Harding) while married to a stodgy suburbanite (Loy). Complicating matters is the tendency of the mistress to play the role of unassuming wife while inelegant and deceptive wife acts as the mistress. Based on the successful play by Philip Barry, it was the first film shown at Radio City Music Hall. Remade as One More Tomorrow in 1946.

(Source: available at Amazon AMC Classic Movie Companion).


The Animal Kingdom BlogHub Articles:

Pre-Code Crazy: The Animal Kingdom (1932)

By shadowsandsatin on Jun 3, 2018 From Shadows and Satin

Harding, Howard, and Loy I think I?ve made it clear on these pages that I?m a big Ann Harding fan. Her performances in Double Harness and When Ladies Meet rate among my all-time favorites. And she delivers again in my Pre-Code pick for this month, The Animal Kingdom (1932), co-starring Leslie Howard... Read full article

Neglected Post Theatre: The Animal Kingdom, or Fie, Society

By David on Nov 30, 2013 From The Man on the Flying Trapeze

On this edition of Neglected Post Theatre, we take a look at Philip Barry's "The Animal Kingdom," wherein Leslie Howard is married to Myrna Loy but tempted by Ann Harding.... Read full article

Neglected Post Theatre: The Animal Kingdom, or Fie, Society

By David on Nov 30, 2013 From The Man on the Flying Trapeze

On this edition of Neglected Post Theatre, we take a look at Philip Barry's "The Animal Kingdom," wherein Leslie Howard is married to Myrna Loy but tempted by Ann Harding.... Read full article

The Animal Kingdom (1932) (2)

By Angela on Nov 9, 2013 From Hollywood Revue

Tom Collier (Leslie Howard) is a publisher who has lived out of wedlock with his good friend Daisy (Ann Harding) for quite some time. But while she is away on business, Tom decides to marry Cecilia (Myrna Loy).? When Daisy returns, he swears to Cecilia that any romantic feelings that he and Daisy mi... Read full article

"The Animal Kingdom," or Fie, Society

By David on Dec 8, 2012 From The Man on the Flying Trapeze

To steal a line from his best-known work, "The Philadelphia Story," Philip Barry's plays were often about "the privileged class enjoying its privileges." But they also showed the other side of the coin: how easy it was to lose your self-respect -- and yourself, for that matter -- by getting caught u... Read full article

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Quotes from The Animal Kingdom

Tom Collier: [Holding Cecilia's hands and admiring her] Oh, Cee darling, what a marvellous object you are.
[They kiss]
Tom Collier: Oh, I feel good.
Cecilia 'Cee' Henry Collier: So do I.
Tom Collier: Do you?
Tom Collier: [Ogling her from head to foot]
Tom Collier: I love you, Cee.
Cecilia 'Cee' Henry Collier: Stop it, Tom. You're embarrassing me.
Tom Collier: Why?
Cecilia 'Cee' Henry Collier: I feel quite naked.

Tom Collier: [Explaining his relationship with Daisy to his fiancée, Cecilia] Cee, we've... Well, we've been everything possible to each other, of course, but...
Cecilia 'Cee' Henry Collier: Yes, Tom.
Tom Collier: the same time free as air. I mean, there has never been a feeling of conventional responsibility towards each other's involvement.
Cecilia 'Cee' Henry Collier: I can understand that.
Tom Collier: Can you, Cee? 'Cause I never could.

Tom Collier: I thought for a long time we have been out of page so far as... so far as...
Daisy Sage: Wanting each other goes?
Tom Collier: Well, haven't we?
Daisy Sage: Speak for yourself, Tom.
Tom Collier: You too, Daisy. You first, I think.
Daisy Sage: Well, it's true that side of it was never so much to us, not in comparison, not... well not after those first crazy months. But I... I thought that was natural. I was even glad. Glad that it was all our needs that held us together. So closely. Not a claim. Never a claim but so closely.

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Facts about The Animal Kingdom

The film flopped with the Depression-era audience as a whole. The movie ended up $110,000 in the red.
George Cukor directed additional scenes after original director Edward H. Griffith left the picture.
Daisy's declaration "Behold, the bridegroom cometh. And no oil for my lamp, as usual. A foolish virgin me. Oh, foolish anyway." is a reference to the story of the ten virgins with oil lamps greeting the bridegroom, told in Matthew 25:1-13.
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