The Americanization of Emily Overview:

The Americanization of Emily (1964) was a Comedy - Drama Film directed by Arthur Hiller and produced by John Calley and Martin Ransohoff.


A cynical American naval officer (Garner) first clashes with and then falls in love with his idealistic British driver (Andrews), a war widow. After convincing her to enjoy life, he is selected by the Navy's PR machine to become "the Unknown Sailor," the first man to die landing at Normandy on D-Day. An often brilliant script by Paddy Chayefsky elevates this one well above the average fare.

(Source: available at Amazon AMC Classic Movie Companion).


Academy Awards 1964 --- Ceremony Number 37 (source: AMPAS)

Best Art DirectionArt Direction: George W. Davis, Hans Peters, Elliot Scott; Set Decoration: Henry Grace, Robert R.Nominated
Best CinematographyPhilip H. LathropNominated

The Americanization of Emily BlogHub Articles:

The Americanization of Emily (1964)

By 4 Star Film Fan on Apr 9, 2019 From 4 Star Films

“Don’t show me how profitable it will be to fall in love with you, Charlie. Don’t Americanize me.” – Julie Andrews as Emily Yes, Kubrick’s film is definitive. Though something inside of me wants to rale against convention and wave the flag for The Americanization ... Read full article

The Americanization of Emily (1964)

By Beatrice on Mar 7, 2018 From Flickers in Time

The Americanization of Emily Directed by Arthur Hiller Written by Paddy Chayefsky from a novel by William Bradford Hule 1964/USA Filmways Pictures First viewing/Netflix rental One of the very first sardonic takes on WWII was controversial in its time. ?It seems much tamer now. Lt. Commander Cha... Read full article

The Americanization of Emily (1964)

on Apr 3, 2014 From Journeys in Classic Film

There’s an anti-war film for every conflict America’s engaged in, but none more so than the anti-war movies created during the Vietnam era.? The Americanization of Emily is mixture of genres, blending and lampooning 1940s romance films through comedy, as well as presenting a harsh critiq... Read full article

N?o Podes Comprar Meu Amor (1964) / The Americanization of Emily (1964)

By L? on Nov 30, -0001 From Critica Retro

N?o Podes Comprar Meu Amor (1964) / The Americanization of Emily (1964) O tenente Charles Madison (James Garner) tem um h?bito estranho: ele cumprimenta todas as mulheres que encontra com um tapinha no traseiro – e todas elas o reconhecem por este estranho gesto. Mas as coisas s?o dif... Read full article

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Quotes from The Americanization of Emily

Lt. Cmdr. Charles E. Madison: War isn't hell at all. It's man at his best; the highest morality he's capable of. It's not war that's insane, you see. It's the morality of it. It's not greed or ambition that makes war: it's goodness. Wars are always fought for the best of reasons: for liberation or manifest destiny. Always against tyranny and always in the interest of humanity. So far this war, we've managed to butcher some ten million humans in the interest of humanity. Next war it seems we'll have to destroy all of man in order to preserve his damn dignity. It's not war that's unnatural to us, it's virtue. As long as valor remains a virtue, we shall have soldiers. So, I preach cowardice. Through cowardice, we shall all be saved.

Lt. Cmdr. Charles E. Madison: Emily, I want the world to know what a fraud war is.
Emily Barham: But war isn't a fraud, Charlie, it's very real. At least that's what you always tried to tell me, isn't it? That we shall never get rid of war by pretending it's unreal? It's the virtue of war that's the fraud, not war itself. It's the valor and the self-sacrifice and the goodness of war that needs the exposing. And here you are being brave and self-sacrificing, positively clanking with moral fervor, perpetuating the very things you detest merely to do "the right thing". Honestly, Charlie, your conversion to morality is really quite funny. All this time I've been terrified of becoming Americanized, and you, you silly ass, have turned into a bloody Englishman.

[last lines]
Lt. Cmdr. Charles E. Madison: And what do you get out of it?
Emily Barham: I'll settle for a Hershey bar.
Petty Officer Enright: Hey Bus, there's - there's a million of 'em there. There's correspondents all over the place. Hi Charlie.
Lt. Cmdr. Charles E. Madison: All right, fink, how do you want me to play it? Modest and self-effacing?

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Facts about The Americanization of Emily

The D-Day landing scenes were filmed on Mandalay Beach in Oxnard, California.In the behind-the-scenes documentary "Action on the Beach" (1964), the Mandalay power generating station, then operated by Southern California Edison can be seen in several shots. The plant, still operating in 2010, opened in 1959.
According to screenwriter Joe Eszterhas's 2004 autobiography "American Animal", producer Martin Ransohoff removed director William Wyler from the picture as Wyler wanted to change Paddy Chayefsky's script. It was a rare instance in which a producer supported a screenwriter over a director, particularly one of Wyler's caliber. As Chayefsky was known to have guarantees written into his contracts protecting his scripts, Ransohoff may have had no choice but to replace Wyler with Arthur Hiller.
Julie Andrews' only movie in black and white.
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