Terry and the Pirates Overview:

Terry and the Pirates (1940) was a Action - Black-and-white Film directed by James W. Horne .

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Mr. Harris [Chs. 1-3, 5, 10]: Pardon me, my name is Harris. Did you have any luck with the governor?
Pat Ryan: Yeah - all bad.

[translating an ancient scroll]
Dr. Herbert Lee: The voice of Mara...
Master Fang: Mara is the sun god in the court of the Temple of the Dawn.
Dr. Herbert Lee: The very spot I was heading for!
Master Fang: Yes, yes - that is the Dragon Lady's temple. Read on, Doctor.
Dr. Herbert Lee: The anger of Mara will be visited upon his people. War, pestilence, famine will humble them until the virtues of man are restored. Then will Mara speak and lead his people to the path of eternal glory.
Master Fang: Wonderful, Doctor, wonderful. That tells me much; the very thing the natives have been waiting for. That is their legend - that one day Mara will talk. All will be easy now. I will make Mara talk.

Normandie Drake: I hate to be such a bother.
Terry Lee: Oh, you're no bother. Pat likes you around.

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