Targets Overview:

Targets (1968) was a Thriller/Suspense Film directed by Peter Bogdanovich and produced by Peter Bogdanovich, Roger Corman and Daniel Selznick.

BlogHub Articles:

Targets (1968): Orlok Makes You Scream

By 4 Star Film Fan on Oct 26, 2021 From 4 Star Films

The story goes Peter Bogdanovich met Roger Corman sitting in a screening of Bay of Angels (1963). What came out of that was an apprenticeship of sorts on Wild Angels (1966) in the Corman Film School where Bogdanovich did everything you could possibly imagine from script doctoring to location scoutin... Read full article

Targets (1968)

By Beatrice on Jan 20, 2020 From Flickers in Time

Targets Directed by Peter Bogdonovich Written by Peter Bogdonovich; story by Bogdonovich and Polly Platt 1968/USA IMDb link One of 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die One of 1000 Best Horror Movies on They Shoot Zombies Don’t They? Repeat viewing/Amazon Instant Not too shabby for a feature... Read full article

Adventures of Captain Marvel (1941, John English and William Witney), Chapter 7: Human Targets

By Andrew Wickliffe on Nov 17, 2017 From The Stop Button

Starting Human Targets, I couldn?t remember what cliffhanger needed to be resolved. It?s not a good one. More of the ?Tom Tyler is bad at being a superhero? same. Once it gets resolved, with William ?Billy? Benedict shooting the breeze with Tyler and asking zero questions about why Tyler?s trying to... Read full article

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Quotes from

[Bobby Thompson cowers before Byron Orlok]
Byron Orlok: Is *that* what I was afraid of?

Byron Orlok: You know what they call my films today? Camp! High camp!

Jenny: You really are in a foul mood.
Byron Orlok: Not at all. I'm just tired of your baleful looks.

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Facts about

When Bobby writes out the check to buy the sniper rifle, he writes the check out to Boris Karloff.
The story Orlock tells of the servant fleeing death is W. Somerset Maugham's short story "The Appointment in Samarra."
Peter Bogdanovich planned to have Boris Karloff actually appear in the film for about 20 minutes, and have the stock footage from The Terror add another 20 minutes of screen time for Karloff. In the final movie, Karloff is actually on screen (not counting the scenes from "The Terror") for about 30 minutes.
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Also directed by Peter Bogdanovich

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Also produced by Roger Corman

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Also released in 1968

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