Sweet November Overview:

Sweet November (1968) was a Drama Film directed by Robert Ellis Miller and produced by Elliott Kastner and Jerry Gershwin.

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Sara Deever: Aren't you impressed by bicycle tape?

Charlie Blake: Oh cut it out Sara, I love you. That means past November, past winter, past all the dumb years ahead. OK?
Sara Deever: We made an agreement, you and I, we shook hands.
Charlie Blake: Sara, kids do that.
Sara Deever: A bargain is a bargain. A sacred vow and an oath. Whoever breaks that oath must give up all memories of the other. Do you want to give up your memories of me?
Charlie Blake: No, of course I don't, and I don't have to.
Sara Deever: No, no, I know, I know you don't have to, but supposing that you did.
Charlie Blake: Sara, that's silly, I'd have no control over it. I can't just blot everything out simply because I agreed to.
Sara Deever: People must be remembered Charlie, otherwise it's as if they were never here at all. All we are are the people who remember us. If we go away, and everybody forgets we were ever here, its as if we never were.

Sara Deever: You did it again, you know, you did it again.
Charlie Blake: I did what?
Sara Deever: A few minutes ago.
Charlie Blake: What, Sara, what?
Sara Deever: I had a dream, and you were in it, and then you misbehaved.
Charlie Blake: Sara, I can't be held responsible for the way I behave in your dreams.
Sara Deever: Yes you can. A dream is simply a truth that never happened. Just because it never happened doesn't mean's untrue.

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Also directed by Robert Ellis Miller

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Also released in 1968

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