Sunset Trail Overview:

Sunset Trail (1939) was a Action - Adventure Film directed by Lesley Selander and produced by Harry Sherman.

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Hopalong Cassidy: But, it's a funny thing. All big killers have ways of getting out of jail doors.
Superintendent: They don't have any luck getting out of the cemetary gate once they're planted.
Hopalong Cassidy: I guess that's the best place to put 'em.

Superintendent: It's a simple matter of justice, Hoppy. These killers are ruthless. This last murder is the climax of many such cases that's happened on the Silver Trail.
Hopalong Cassidy: Yes, I know. Some day those little trails out there are gonna become big highways. If we all stick together, we can make them a lot safer.

Ann Marsh: We're not running cattle. What else can you do?
Windy Halliday: I can do everything from pot biling to pot wrastling, story-tellin' to lie-swappin'. I'm a pretty handy sort of feller whether for fun, frolic, or fright! Yeah, and I'm willin' to prove it too!

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The twenty-second of sixty-six Hopalong Cassidy movies.
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Also directed by Lesley Selander

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Also released in 1939

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