Sparrows Overview:

Sparrows (1926) was a Drama - Black-and-white Film directed by William Beaudine and Tom McNamara and produced by Mary Pickford.

BlogHub Articles:

Sparrows (1926) A Silent Film Review

By Fritzi Kramer on Dec 8, 2013 From Movies Silently

Mary Pickford dusts off her pigtails one last time in her final child role. One of her darkest films, Sparrows tells the tale of a band of orphans who escape from an orphan farm and cross a dangerous gator-infested swamp. A surprisingly moody slice of Southern Gothic from America’s Sweetheart.... Read full article

"Sparrows" Lands at the Music Box

By Janelle Vreeland on Apr 18, 2013 From Curtains

"Lillian Gish is the kind of woman who needs to be saved from the ice floe. Mary Pickford is the kind of woman who will save you from the ice floe." - Christel Schmidt Mary Pickford will forever be the spunky, tough young woman with the angelic face and head full of golden curls. Although she did... Read full article

Aves sem ninho / Sparrows (1926)

By L? on Jun 1, 2012 From Critica Retro

Aves sem ninho / Sparrows (1926) Sim, cin?filos, Mary Pickford est? na moda! Depois de uma boa surpresa na temporada de premia??es com a caonsagra??o de “O Artista”, em que Jean Dujardin interpreta um alter-ego de Douglas Fairbanks, marido de Pickford, foi a vez de um frenesi toma... Read full article

Aves sem ninho / Sparrows (1926)

By L? on Jun 1, 2012 From Critica Retro

Aves sem ninho / Sparrows (1926) Sim, cin?filos, Mary Pickford est? na moda! Depois de uma boa surpresa na temporada de premia??es com a caonsagra??o de “O Artista”, em que Jean Dujardin interpreta um alter-ego de Douglas Fairbanks, marido de Pickford, foi a vez de um frenesi toma... Read full article

Aves sem ninho / Sparrows (1926)

By L? on Nov 30, -0001 From Critica Retro

Aves sem ninho / Sparrows (1926) Sim, cin?filos, Mary Pickford est? na moda! Depois de uma boa surpresa na temporada de premia??es com a consagra??o de “O Artista”, em que Jean Dujardin interpreta um alter-ego de Douglas Fairbanks, marido de Pickford, foi a vez de um frenesi tom... Read full article

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Facts about

Mary Pickford developed a great fondness for two-year-old trouper Mary Louise Miller. Pickford, who had no children of her own, even tried to adopt the toddler, but her parents refused.
Although William Beaudine received critical acclaim both inside and outside the film industry for his direction of this film, for many years a story circulated that star Mary Pickford felt that he was too cavalier about the safety of the actors, especially in a scene where she had to carry a baby across some water filled with alligators (Pickford wanted to use a doll, but Beaudine insisted on using a real baby), and even though the alligators' jaws were bound shut, Pickford swore that he would never work for her or her company as long as she lived. However, cameraman Hal Mohr, who shot this picture, said in an interview that the "alligator incident" never happened. He said that there "wasn't an alligator within ten miles" of Pickford, and that both the alligators and the baby in the film were all dummies because the studio would never have let a star of Pickford's magnitude endanger herself by working with real alligators, let alone allow a baby to go near them. In any case, Beaudine and Pickford did clash on the picture. Beaudine eventually walked off the set and turned the direction over to his assistant, and he and Pickford never worked together again.
Art Director Harry Oliver transformed three acres of the back lot between Willoughby Avenue and Alta Vista Street into a stylized Gothic swamp.The ground was scraped bare in places, 600 trees were carted in and pits dug and filled with a mixture of burned cork, sawdust and muddy water.
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Also directed by William Beaudine

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Also produced by Mary Pickford

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Also released in 1926

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