Shooting High Overview:

Shooting High (1940) was a Action - Comedy Film directed by Alfred E. Green and produced by John Stone and Sol M. Wurtzel.

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Quotes from

[first lines]
[Jane brings flowers to Wild Bill Carson's grave]
Jane Pritchard: Gosh, I wish I'da known Wild Bill.
Will Carson: You know, Janey, you're the first and only Pritchard to honor Granddad.
Jane Pritchard: Oh, why shouldn't I - he deserves it. Besides, I think it's just about time all this feuding stopped... and you could stop it if you were only half the man your Granddad was!

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Facts about

The original script had Autry kissing Marjorie Weaver at the end, but that ending was dropped when his fans objected.
This is one of the few movies that Gene Autry appeared in that his character wasn't named "Gene Autry".
This was the first movie Gene Autry made in which his character name was not Gene.
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Also directed by Alfred E. Green

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Also released in 1940

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