Sabotage Overview:

Sabotage (1936) was a Mystery - Thriller/Suspense Film directed by Alfred Hitchcock and produced by Michael Balcon and Ivor Montagu.


One of Hitchcock's most successful British mysteries is also one of the most controversial. A terrorist bomber (Homolka) uses a movie theater to mask his activities. As undercover Scotland Yard agent Loder starts to move in, the bomber's wife (Sidney) becomes suspicious and Homolka gives her little brother a dangerous package. When the bomb explodes on a bus, Sidney takes her revenge and the terrorists destroy the theater to cover up their deeds. Hitchcock almost got a punch

(Source: available at Amazon AMC Classic Movie Companion).


Sabotage: BlogHub Articles:

Sylvia Sidney and Oskar Homolka star in Alfred Hitchcock’s “Sabotage”

By Stephen Reginald on Sep 2, 2020 From Classic Movie Man

Sylvia Sidney and Oskar Homolka star in Alfred Hitchcock’s “Sabotage” Sabotage (1936) is a British espionage thriller directed by Alfred Hitchcock and starring Sylvia Sidney, Oskar Homolka, and John Loder. The film is loosely based on Joseph Conrad’s novel The Secret Age... Read full article

Sabotage (1936)

By 4 Star Film Fan on Apr 10, 2018 From 4 Star Films

Sabotage: Willful destruction of buildings or machinery with the object of alarming a group of persons or inspiring public uneasiness. It’s not exactly a titillating introduction but since this is precisely where this 1930s Hitchcock thriller commences so will I. Again, Hitch is collaborating ... Read full article

The Adventures of Tartu, aka Sabotage Agent (1943)

By Clayton on Jun 1, 2014 From Phantom Empires

The Adventures of Tartu, aka Sabotage Agent (1943) 6/1/2014 24 Comments Officer #1: [leans in] "This is a sabotage job..."Officer #2: "...and a pretty long shot, what ever way you look at it. No one would blame you if you ... Read full article

The Adventures of Tartu, aka Sabotage Agent (1943)

By Clayton on Jun 1, 2014 From Phantom Empires

The Adventures of Tartu, aka Sabotage Agent (1943) 6/1/2014 24 Comments Officer #1: [leans in] "This is a sabotage job..."Officer #2: "...and a pretty long shot, what ever way you look at it. No one would blame you if you don't think you'... Read full article

Sabotage (1936, Alfred Hitchcock)

By Andrew Wickliffe on May 28, 2014 From The Stop Button

Sabotage demands the viewer's attention. It opens with a dictionary definition of Sabotage, forcing the viewer to read something and then immediately relate it to the rapidly edited sabotage of a power station. This sequence, which sets off the first act of the film, takes place in maybe a minu... Read full article

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Quotes from Sabotage:

Detective Sergeant Ted Spencer: [trying to calm crowd down demanding their money back after a power outage] It's an act of God, I tell you!
Member of Cinema Crowd: And what do you call an act of God?
Detective Sergeant Ted Spencer: I call your face one, and you won't get your money back on that.

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Facts about Sabotage:

Some critics objected to the way Alfred Hitchcock chose to end the sequence involving the delivery of the bomb on the bus. Hitchcock, stung by the criticism, is said to have regretted his decision. Nonetheless, the treatment is faithful to Joseph Conrad's book.
Some erroneous modern sources identify Sara Allgood as the uncredited actress playing the bird shop customer, but she does not appear in this film. The identity of the actress in question is presently unknown.
Robert Donat was originally slated to play Ted Spencer, but a prolonged illness prevented him from playing the role.
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