Return to Mayberry Overview:

Return to Mayberry was a Film directed by Bob Sweeney .

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Facts about

'Hal Smith (I)''s character, Otis Campbell, was the town drunk in the original series. In this reunion he's now sober and is the town's ice cream man.
Charlene Darling appeared on the series with a husband, Dud Wash, and later an infant daughter Andilina. However, in the movie, when she appears there is no mention of Dud or the daughter.
By 1986 the original outdoor set from The Andy Griffith Show had been destroyed, so the Mayberry town square had to be re-created in a small town in California. This results in the road that originally came to an end in front of the courthouse now going straight on by, being much wider, and a flagpole being in the middle of the street.
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