Redemption Overview:

Redemption (1930) was a Drama Film directed by Lionel Barrymore and Fred Niblo and produced by Irving Thalberg and Arthur Hopkins.

BlogHub Articles:

The Mandalorian (2019) s01e08 – Redemption

on Dec 28, 2019 From The Stop Button

It?s a good thing series creator and episode writer Jon Favreau has seen Terminator 2, otherwise this episode wouldn?t have an ending. It?s not clear who decided they ought to straight rip off the flashback sequence from For a Few Dollars More, Favreau or episode director Taika Waititi (who?s better... Read full article

R?demption (2013)

By John Grant on Feb 4, 2017 From Noirish

Canada / 115 minutes / color / Desperado Dir & Scr: Joel Gauthier Pr: Claudine Garant, Roger Morin, Joel Gauthier Cine: Olivier Arends Leblanc Cast: Patrice Godin, Joel Gauthier, Isabelle O?Brien, France Pilotte, Val?rie Roy, Roberto Mei, Marc Fournier, Zo? B?liveau, Mathieu Dufresne, Julien Pou... Read full article

The Shawshank Redemption (1994) – Updated

By 4 Star Film Fan on Apr 20, 2015 From 4 Star Films

This film originated from a Stephen King novella called Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption. The actress actually does play into this movie and her famed hair flip from Gilda even makes a memorable appearance. However, the shortening of the title not only simplifies things, but it refocuses the f... Read full article

Review: The Shawshank Redemption (1994)

By 4 Star Film Fan on Apr 20, 2015 From 4 Star Films

This film originated from a Stephen King novella called Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption. The actress actually does play into this movie and her famed hair flip from Gilda even makes a memorable appearance. However, the shortening of the title not only simplifies things, but it refocuses the f... Read full article

Review: The Shawshank Redemption (1994)

By 4 Star Film Fan on Apr 20, 2015 From 4 Star Films

This film originated from a Stephen King novella called Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption. The actress actually does play into this movie and her famed hair flip from Gilda even makes a memorable appearance. However, the shortening of the title not only simplifies things, but it refocuses the f... Read full article

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Facts about

John Gilbert loathed the film and begged for it not to be released. His wishes were not granted.Instead the film was shelved and was released after His Glorious Night, which had been filmed after "Redemption" was already finished.
Filmed in 1929, but not released until 1930.
The original Broadway production of "Redemption" by Arthur Hopkins based on the Leo Tolstoy novel opened at the Plymouth Theater on October 3, 1918 and ran for 204 performances.
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Also directed by Fred Niblo

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Also produced by Irving Thalberg

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Also released in 1930

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