Prescription: Murder Overview:

Prescription: Murder (1968) was a Crime - Drama Film directed by Richard Irving and produced by Jerrold Freedman and Richard Irving.

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Quotes from Prescription: Murder

Dr. Ray Flemming: You're an intelligent man, Columbo, but you hide it.

Dr. Ray Flemming: Is there something I can do for you?
Lt. Columbo: Oh no, not really, doctor, no. I, I just came up to bring back your pen. I forgot to give it to you at the inquest.
[hands it over]
Dr. Ray Flemming: Well thanks, I missed it.
Lt. Columbo: You know, that's my trouble, I got a bad memory. My wife tells me I ought to have strings on all ten fingers.

Lt. Columbo: You know my sister, she has a living room that's very, very modern. But the minute you sit down in it, you can't open your mouth. You know, she's got this big kidney-shaped coffee table, it upsets me just to look at it. Her husband doesn't say anything and I figure the coffee table got to him years ago.

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Facts about Prescription: Murder

The role of Lt. Columbo was offered to Lee J. Cobb, but he had to decline due to a clash in scheduling.
Originally written as a Broadway play, the production was out of town bound for Broadway in 1962 when Thomas Mitchell (who was playing Columbo) died. The production closed and the script was later reworked for television. This film, which established Peter Falk as the definitive Lt. Columbo, was adapted from the 1962 play by the same authors. The play in turn had been adapted from Enough Rope, in which Bert Freed originated the role of Columbo.
In "Prescription: Murder", the reception room at Dr. Fleming's office features a distinctive painting, of trees and white houses with red roofs, which is prominent in several scenes. This same painting later appears in Suitable for Framing, as part of the art collection sliced and stolen by Dale Kingston.
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Also directed by Richard Irving

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Also released in 1968

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