Panic in Year Zero! Overview:

Panic in Year Zero! (1962) was a Horror - Science Fiction Film directed by Ray Milland and produced by Samuel Z. Arkoff, James H. Nicholson, Lou Rusoff and Arnold Houghland.

Panic in Year Zero! BlogHub Articles:

Tips on How to Survive the End of the World Based on Panic in Year Zero!

By Amanda Garrett on Mar 30, 2018 From Old Hollywood Films

A publicity still of Frankie Avalon, Mary Mitchel, Ray Milland, and Jean Hagen in the apocalyptic thriller Panic in Year Zero! (1962). This article is part of The End of the World Blogathon hosted by at MovieMovieBlogBlog and The Midnite Drive-In. A gentle warning that this article has spoiler... Read full article

Panic in Year Zero!

By Beatrice on Oct 13, 2017 From Flickers in Time

Panic in Year Zero! Directed by Ray Milland Jay Simms and John Morton from stories by Ward Moore 1962/USA Roger Corman Productions First viewing/Amazon Instant This movie says more about the Alpha-male’s obsession with his gun than it does about nuclear apocalypse. Harry Baldwin (Ray Milland) ... Read full article

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Quotes from Panic in Year Zero!

Harry Baldwin: You get in the trailer with your mother and Karen.
Rick Baldwin: What for?
Harry Baldwin: It's going to get rough from here on - I may need some cover. If I stop the car, grab a shotgun. Don't get trigger happy, but don't be gun shy either. If you have to use it - use it.

Rick Baldwin: [upon seeing a mushroom cloud rising from Los Angeles] We've had it, haven't we dad?

Ann Baldwin: I know I should be grateful we're still alive, but... I love you, Harry, but not more than a future without hope. I've got to have hope to go on. I've got to know there are other people like us, like our children. People who are better than just animals!

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Facts about Panic in Year Zero!

Milland's car in this movie is a Mercury Monterey.
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Also directed by Ray Milland

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Also released in 1962

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