One Meat Brawl Overview:

One Meat Brawl (1947) was a Family - Animation Film directed by Robert McKimson .

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Mandrake: You're a groundhog.
Grover Groundhog: That gives you one dollar. Do you care to try for two?

Grover Groundhog: [singing] A groundhog and his shadow are a very famous pair / They predict the weather together, a trick that is rare / Now the one little thing that bothers me whenever outdoors I go / Does my shadow mean springtime, or sixteen feet of snow? / Never know which, I just can't remember / Will it be warm, or make like December? / The whole thing just confuses me, and that is why I sing / A groundhog's shadow just doesn't mean a thing.

Grover Groundhog: [after nearly being shot] This meat shortage is sure tough on us animals.

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Also directed by Robert McKimson

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Also released in 1947

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