One Foot in Hell Overview:

One Foot in Hell (1960) was a Western Film directed by James B. Clark and produced by Sydney Boehm.

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Julia Reynolds: We're in love. That's what he went into town to tell you. When he finds out you're not there, he'll come back, Mitch.
Mitch: He'll find out other things, too. Stu and Ivers are dead.
Julia Reynolds: Dead! How? With you leading the posse, Mitch, how?
Mitch: With me leading the posse.

Dan: If you got enough whiskey, you don't need to dream about things not worth dreamin'.

[last lines]
Julia Reynolds: Tell me about Virginia again, Dan. What will it be like?
Dan: That's goin' to take time, Julie, a lot of time. Not even Doc Seltzer can walk that slow.

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Also directed by James B. Clark

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Also released in 1960

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