Number 13 Overview:

Number 13 (1922) was a Silent Films - Black-and-white Film directed by Alfred Hitchcock and produced by Alfred Hitchcock.

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Facts about Number 13

This is the first film Alfred Hitchcock ever directed, sometime in late 1922 or early 1923. The story was about low-income residents of a building. It was written by a woman employed at Islington, her precise identity unknown. Even the film's title is unclear: Islington Studios' records listed it as being "Mrs. Peabody", but Hitchcock always referred to it as Number 13 (possibly because it was the thirteenth film he was involved in making, in some capacity) Hitchcock's uncle Joseph invested in the film, and when the funds ran out, star Clare Greet also pitched in funding. But the filming was ultimately shut down with only two reels of film completed.The picture was never actually completed or shown, but Adrian Brunel claims Hitchcock showed it to him in an unfinished state. The footage filmed is now long-lost, and nothing else is known about it, apart from Hitchcock's alleged assertion that it wasn't very interesting.
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