Mutiny Overview:

Mutiny (1952) was a Adventure - Romance Film directed by Edward Dmytryk and produced by Frank King and Maurice King.

Mutiny: BlogHub Articles:


By Dan Day, Jr. on May 19, 2024 From The Hitless Wonder Movie Blog

This is another Tubi discovery, a very low-budget 1960s sci-fi film that I had never heard of. It was written & directed by Hugo Grimaldi & Arthur C. Pierce, and executive produced by the Woolner Brothers. (Grimaldi, Pierce, and the Woolners were involved in plenty of cheap sci-fi/horror fli... Read full article

The Caine Mutiny (1954)

By Beatrice on Nov 16, 2015 From Flickers in Time

The Caine Mutiny Directed by Edward Dmytryck Written by Stanley Roberts based on a novel by Herman Wouk 1954/USA Columbia Pictures Corporation Repeat viewing/Netflix Rental This is a thought-provoking movie with a terrific cast. ?I didn’t even mind the extraneous romantic sub-plot quite a... Read full article

The Caine Mutiny (1954) with Humphrey Bogart

By Greg Orypeck on Apr 2, 2015 From Classic Film Freak

Share This! Here they are . . . Lt. TOM KEEFER?. . . the malcontent who laid the foundation for the mutiny. Lt. STEVE MARYK?. . . whose damning diary sparked the mutiny. Navy lawyer Lt. BARNEY GREENWALD?. . . who knew who should have been on trial. Lt. Comdr. PHILIP FRANCIS QUEEG?. . . who set his o... Read full article

The Caine Mutiny (1954) with Humphrey Bogart

By Greg Orypeck on Apr 2, 2015 From Classic Film Freak

Share This! Here they are . . . Lt. TOM KEEFER?. . . the malcontent who laid the foundation for the mutiny. Lt. STEVE MARYK?. . . whose damning diary sparked the mutiny. Navy lawyer Lt. BARNEY GREENWALD?. . . who knew who should have been on trial. Lt. Comdr. PHILIP FRANCIS QUEEG?. . . who set his o... Read full article

The Caine Mutiny (1954)

By 4 Star Film Fan on Dec 20, 2013 From 4 Star Films

With a stellar cast starring Humphrey Bogart, Van Johnson, Fred MacMurray, and Jose Ferrer among others, the film begins with a young ensign assigned to the mine sweeper named the Caine. After the first lax captain is reassigned, their new commander Queeg (Bogart) is a stickler for detail and order.... Read full article

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Quotes from Mutiny:

[discussing Captain Waldridge's mini-submarine]
Redlegs: Sail under the water indeed - why, it's unchristian!

Capt. Ben Waldridge: Hook, you're drunk!
Hook: No, sir! The grog's not yet been brewed that can unsober the old Hook.

Hook: Alright, boys, to the ship. And them that's tardy will fell the weight of this!
[he brandishes his right arm with its hook]

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Also directed by Edward Dmytryk

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Also released in 1952

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