Merry Mavericks Overview:

Merry Mavericks (1951) was a Comedy - Western Film directed by Edward Bernds and produced by Hugh McCollum.

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Shemp: Hey Moe, I don't like this.
Larry: Yeah. Suppose that old chief comes back looking for his head.
Moe: Cut it out. That spook stuff is all a lot of foolishness. What's the matter, you scared?
Larry: No, just apprehensive.
Moe: Oh.
[Moe flinches]
Moe: That's a mighty fancy word. What does that "apprehensive" mean?
Larry: It means you're scared, with a college education.
Moe: Oh. You're pretty smart.
Larry: Oh, yeah.
Moe: [holds out his hand] What's that?
Larry: That's a hand.
Moe: [balls his hand into a fist] Good. What's that?
Larry: That's a fist.
[Moe punches Shemp in the eye]
Moe: What was that?
Larry: A punch in the eye.
Moe: Right.
[Moe punches Larry in the eye]

Shemp: All right, sister, get going or I'll knock your brains out.
Moe: Hey, is that a way to talk to a lady?
[Shemp politely removes his hat]
Shemp: All right, sister, get going or I'll knock your brains out.
Moe: That's better.

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