Maniac Overview:

Maniac (1963) was a Crime - Horror Film directed by Michael Carreras and produced by Jimmy Sangster.

Maniac: BlogHub Articles:

Video of the Week: “Poor White Maniac”

By Marisa on Jun 4, 2014 From The Timothy Carey Experience

OK, I admit it. I laughed out loud. I’m sure you will too. I predict my Flashdance-loving hubby will get a kick out of this one. Jennifer Beals? Who’s that? Points for creativity, at the very least. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your Wor... Read full article


By Beatrice on Mar 17, 2013 From Flickers in Time

Maniac Directed by Dwain Esper USA, 1934 Roadshow Attractions First Viewing Dr. Meirschultz admires his heart. When he isn’t busy being a maniac, Dr. Meirschultz conducts experiments aimed at raising the dead. His idiot assistant, Don Maxwell, apparently owes the doctor plenty for taking h... Read full article

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Quotes from Maniac:

Inspector Etienne: Why do you Americans always answer questions with questions of their own?

Georges: You take a man's wife, Mr. Farrell, but not his money?

Paul Farrell: Can I buy you a drink, M. Salon?
Salon: Oh, no thank you. monsieur. I am on duty, and when on duty, I allow myself three drinks only.

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Facts about Maniac:

The film was on Hammer's 1960 schedule but for unclear reasons it was shelved. It would have starred Peter Cushing and George Sanders.
Norman Bird is dubbed by André Maranne.
Donald Houston is dubbed
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Also directed by Michael Carreras

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Also released in 1963

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