Magical Mystery Tour Overview:

Magical Mystery Tour (1967) was a Comedy - Musical Film directed by John Lennon and Bernard Knowles and produced by George Harrison, Paul McCartney, John Lennon and Gavrik Losey.

BlogHub Articles:

The Magical Mystery Tour Inside My Head

By FlickChick on Oct 28, 2013 From A Person in the Dark

No – this is not a post about the Beatles. It’s about the wonder and magic and endlessly enchanting internal journey that is my love of film. It’s why I write this blog – to give voice to and share that private and personal world of living stories in the dark. Watching ... Read full article

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Facts about

"Magical Mystery Tour" was conceived as a way for The Beatles to do something fun and exciting in the wake of Brian Epstein's (The Beatles' manager) death. After his death, The Beatles realized that they were in financial trouble and had to do something with their acquired wealth or else the British government would levy taxes against them. So they started Apple Corps. and "Magical Mystery Tour" was the first project they made under the Apple company.
John Lennon told Paul McCartney about a dream he had where he used a shovel to serve spaghetti to a woman. Paul suggested they film this, John agreed, and the scene is included in the movie.
The third of five theatrical movies that feature The Beatles.
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Also released in 1967

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