Life Returns Overview:

Life Returns (1935) was a Crime - Drama Film directed by Eugene Frenke and produced by Lou L. Ostrow.

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Quotes from

A.K. Arnold: Bristles come from pigs and bristles make brushes.

A.K. Arnold: We feel it's time to become practical.
Dr. John Kendrick: Practical? Nothing more practical has been thought of since the beginning of time - to bring the dead back to life. And you tell me I'm not practical.
A.K. Arnold: Well, maybe so. Maybe so. But we want this foundation to help the living to live better. To give them better facial creams, better nail polish, better dandruff cures - all for a nominal sum.

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Facts about

Uses footage from actual University of Southern California experiment in which scientists claimed they brought a dead dog back to life. Robert E. Cornish, playing himself in the film, was one of the scientists involved.
The film was banned in England during its initial release and was never subsequently shown there.
The author, Eugene Frenke (husband of actress Anna Sten) sued Universal for $145,424 claiming that the studio failed to release the picture through normal channels.
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Also directed by Eugene Frenke

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Also released in 1935

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