Journey to the Far Side of the Sun Overview:

Journey to the Far Side of the Sun (1969) was a Science Fiction - Adventure Film directed by Robert Parrish and produced by Sylvia Anderson and Gerry Anderson.

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Quotes from

John Kane: I could grow attached to those.
Dr. Pontini: That's the idea. Now you can be hooked up to the heart, lung, and kidney machine during flight. With sedation, you'll sleep, three weeks there, and three weeks back.
John Kane: That part I'm looking forward to.

Desk Sergeant: Your pen, Doctor Hassler.
Doctor Hassler: Sorry, Sergeant.
[removes pen from pocket and hands to sergeant]
Doctor Hassler: (joking) Now my plan is ruined. You see, this is not a pen at all. It's a "secret camera".
Desk Sergeant: Better luck next time, Doctor.

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Facts about

Ed Bishop replaced Peter Dyneley, after rushes revealed the latter's physical similarity to Patrick Wymark, which was thought likely to confuse audiences.
Many of the sets, costumes and vehicles (and even some of the cast members) were reused in Gerry Anderson's TV series UFO.
The Phoenix spacecraft's power reactor is depicted as having been manufactured by Rolls Royce.
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Also directed by Robert Parrish

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Also released in 1969

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