I Love You, Alice B. Toklas Overview:

I Love You, Alice B. Toklas (1968) was a Comedy - Romance Film directed by Hy Averback and produced by Paul Mazursky, Larry Tucker and Charles H. Maguire.

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Quotes from

Harold Fine: I'm trying to stop trying, guru.

Guru: [Walking on beach] Do you know youself?
Harold Fine: I'm trying to know myself.
Guru: You will know yourself when you stop trying.
Harold Fine: I'm trying to stop trying.

Harold: I've got pot, I've got acid, I've got LSD cubes, I've got... I've got this thing here... I'm probably the hippest guy around here. I'm so hip, it hurts!

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Facts about

Paul Mazursky:  as one of the hippies on the sidewalk at the half-way point and in the final scene.
Director Hy Averback said in an interview that one day, Peter Sellers refused to shoot a scene until a crew member standing off camera changed clothes. The superstitious Sellers claimed the outfit was the "wrong color". Shooting had to stop while they went to wardrobe and got a different color outfit for the crewmember.
The film's title is a tribute to Gertrude Stein's lifelong partner, Alice B. Toklas, who published a cookbook in 1954 that contained the first printed recipe for hash fudge. In one of the movie's most famous scene Harold Fine unknowingly serves some marijuana-laced brownies baked by Nancy to his parents and fiancée
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