High Sierra Overview:

High Sierra (1941) was a Crime - Drama Film directed by Raoul Walsh and produced by Hal B. Wallis and Mark Hellinger.

High Sierra BlogHub Articles:

“High Sierra” to screen at PianoForte March 11

By Stephen Reginald on Mar 3, 2020 From Classic Movie Man

“High Sierra” to screen at PianoForte March 11 High Sierra (1941) starring Ida Lupino and Humphrey Bogart will screen March 11, 6:45 p.m. at PianoForte, 1335 S. Michigan Ave., 2nd Floor. Admission is $5 for all admissions. Ida Lupino and Humphrey Bogart After the success of They... Read full article

Colorado Territory (1949): High Sierra on Horseback

By 4 Star Film Fan on Jul 16, 2019 From 4 Star Films

For me, it’s fascinating to consider directors who did not simply direct remakes but they actually reworked their earlier films. Prominent examples are, of course, Alfred Hitchcock, Yasujiro Ozu, Cecil B. DeMille, and Frank Capra, just to name a few. The reasons could range from any number of ... Read full article

High Sierra (1941)

By 4 Star Film Fan on Aug 2, 2017 From 4 Star Films

They Drive by Night is a surprisingly engrossing picture and I only mention it for its obvious relation to High Sierra. It came out a year earlier, helmed?by Raoul Walsh starring George Raft, Ann Sheridan, Ida Lupino and, of course, Humphrey Bogart. The important fact is that if Walsh had gotten his... Read full article

High Sierra (1941)

By 4 Star Film Fan on Aug 2, 2017 From 4 Star Films

They Drive by Night is a surprisingly engrossing picture and I only mention it for its obvious relation to High Sierra. It came out a year earlier, helmed?by Raoul Walsh starring George Raft, Ann Sheridan, Ida Lupino and, of course, Humphrey Bogart. The important fact is that if Walsh had gotten his... Read full article

High Sierra

By Amanda Garrett on Dec 23, 2016 From Old Hollywood Films

Today, I'm reviewing the gangster film, High Sierra (1941), starring Humphrey Bogart. This article is part of The Humphrey Bogart 117th Birthday Blogathon hosted by Sleepwalking in Hollywood and Musings of a Classic Film Addict. Humphrey Bogart was a Christmas-Day baby, and a great way to cel... Read full article

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Quotes from High Sierra

Marie Garson: Yeah, I get it, 'ya always sorta hope 'ya can get out, it keeps 'ya going.

Roy Earle: $500's okay with me. When I need help, I need it bad, and I'm willing to pay for it.

Roy Earle: I wouldn't give you two cents for a dame without a temper.

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Facts about High Sierra

This was the last movie Humphrey Bogart made where he did not receive top billing. The studio thought that Ida Lupino should have top billing given the fact that she had been such a big hit in They Drive by Night and so her name ended up above Bogart's on the title card. Bogart was reportedly unhappy about receiving second billing but never complained.
When Pa first meets Roy at the gas station, Pa says, referring to an accident he almost had, "A jackrabbit jumped in front of the car and I kinda lost my head." Director Raoul Walsh lost an eye a dozen years earlier when a jackrabbit jumped through the windshield of the car he was driving.
"The Screen Guild Theater" broadcast a 30 minute radio adaptation of the movie on April 17, 1944 with Humphrey Bogart and Ida Lupino reprising their film roles.
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