Gun Crazy Overview:

Gun Crazy (1950) was a Film Noir - Drama Film directed by Joseph H. Lewis and produced by Frank King and Maurice King.


The forerunner of Bonnie and Clyde (1968) has become a cult favorite. It inspired a remake in 1992 by former music-video director Tamra Davis and an homage in Jim McBride's version of Breathless (1983). A wild young couple with a love of guns (she was a trick shooter in a Wild West show) and a knack for violence go on a spree. The camera work has a jarring immediacy, and the leads have a contemporary-feeling, snarling attitude.

(Source: available at Amazon AMC Classic Movie Companion).


Gun Crazy was inducted into the National Film Registry in 1998.

Gun Crazy BlogHub Articles:

“Gun Crazy” to screen January 22

By Stephen Reginald on Jan 13, 2020 From Classic Movie Man

“Gun Crazy” to screen January 22 Gun Crazy (1950) starring Peggy Cummins and John Dall will screen on January 22 at PianoForte, 1335 S. Michigan Ave. 2nd Floor. Admission is $5. Directed by Joseph H. Lewis, with a screenplay by Dalton Trumbo (credited as MacKinlay Kantor), Gun Craz... Read full article

Gun Crazy: Lovers That Go Together Like Guns and Ammunition

By Rick29 on Apr 18, 2019 From Classic Film & TV Cafe

Peggy Cummins takes aim! A film noir with a tragic love story involving the femme fatale and a gun-obsessed guy? That's the unlikely premise of Gun Crazy, a 1950 "B" picture selected by the Library of Congress for inclusion in the National Film Registry in 1998. Although it made little noise when ... Read full article

On Blu-ray: The Passionate Charge of Gun Crazy (1950)

By KC on May 18, 2018 From Classic Movies

I can never get enough of Gun Crazy (1949). It’s an addictive flick. The high-energy performances, its erotic charge, the rhythm of it, and director Joseph Lewis’ economical, effective style elevated this ‘B’ production to classic status. Now it is making its Blu-ray debut wi... Read full article

Reblog: Looking Back at Gun Crazy

By John Grant on Dec 8, 2017 From Noirish

***B Noir Detour, written by Salome Wilde, is one of my favorite blogs on the intertubes. She’s recently published an excellent piece on one of the greatest of noirs, and has kindly given me permission to reblog it here. B Noir Detour 1950?s?Gun Crazy?(Deadly is the Female) was hardly seen upo... Read full article

The Klutziest Bonnie & Clyde Ever: Gun Crazy (1950)

By Judy on Jun 6, 2016 From Cary Grant Won't Eat You

**Only very minor, preliminary spoilers here** Gun Crazy begins with a boy getting caught for stealing a gun because he trips. The kid, Barton Tare, has a mysterious attraction to guns he can neither explain nor control. Others try to defend him, given that he has no desire to harm and isn’t a... Read full article

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Quotes from Gun Crazy

Bart: You were going to kill that man!
Annie Laurie Starr: He'd have killed us if he had the chance!

Packett: I saw the two of you, the way you were looking at each other tonight, like a couple of wild animals. Almost scared me.
Annie Laurie Starr: It should. He's a MAN.

Annie Laurie Starr: Bart, I've been kicked around all my life, and from now on, I'm gonna start kicking back.

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Facts about Gun Crazy

The bank heist sequence was done entirely in one take, with no one outside the principal actors and people inside the bank aware that a movie was being filmed. When John Dall as Bart Tare says, "I hope we find a parking space," he really meant it, as there was no guarantee that there would be one. In addition, at the end of the sequence someone in the background screams that there's been a bank robbery - this was actually a bystander who saw the filming and assumed the worst.
Bart Tare and Laurie Starr are modeled on the infamous Depression-era bandits Clyde Barrow and Bonnie Parker, who are also the subjects of Bonnie and Clyde, You Only Live Once and The Bonnie Parker Story.
Although Bart and Laurie are loosely based on Bonnie and Clyde, the scene where they hold up the factory appears to have been inspired by a holdup at the Nashville, Arkansas, Coca-Cola Factory in 1938 by two men, Floyd Hamilton and Huron "Terrible Ted" Walters. Hamilton was a former associate of Bonnie and Clyde's.
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National Film Registry

Gun Crazy

Released 1950
Inducted 1998

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Also directed by Joseph H. Lewis

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Also released in 1950

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