Glen or Glenda? Overview:

Glen or Glenda? (1953) was a Drama - Comedy Film directed by Edward D. Wood Jr. and produced by George Weiss.

Glen or Glenda? BlogHub Articles:

Cinematic Dregs: Glen or Glenda?

By Barry P. on Jul 13, 2014 From Cinematic Catharsis

(1953) Written and directed by Edward D. Wood, Jr.; Starring: Bela Lugosi, Edward D. Wood, Jr., Lyle Talbot, Dolores Fuller Rating: *** “I’m a young punk and here I’m working with the great master and I was fighting the fact that am I doing right by the man; am I doing... Read full article

Cinematic Dregs: Glen or Glenda?

By Barry P. on Jul 13, 2014 From Cinematic Catharsis

(1953) Written and directed by Edward D. Wood, Jr.; Starring: Bela Lugosi, Edward D. Wood, Jr., Lyle Talbot, Dolores Fuller Rating: *** “I’m a young punk and here I’m working with the great master and I was fighting the fact that am I doing right by the man; am I doing... Read full article

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Quotes from Glen or Glenda?

Scientist: Beware! Beware of the big green dragon that sits on your doorstep. He eats little boys... Puppy dog tails, and BIG FAT SNAILS... Beware... Take care... Beware!

Scientist: Beware. Beware. Beware of the big, green dragon that sits on your doorstep. He eats little boys, puppy dog tails and big, fat snails. Beware. Take care. Beware.

Scientist: No one can really tell the story. Mistakes are made. But there is no mistaking the thoughts in a man's mind. The story is begun.

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Facts about Glen or Glenda?

The scene where a man wearing a fake beard ties up a girl on a sofa was shot separately, before the production of this film, and edited in to add 'spice'.
Alternate titles for this included "I Changed My Sex", "He or She" and "I Led Two Lives".
This film is listed among the Top Ten Best Bad Films ever made in Golden Raspberry Award founder John Wilson's book THE OFFICIAL RAZZIE MOVIE GUIDE.
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