Forty-Ninth Parallel Overview:

Forty-Ninth Parallel (1941) was a Drama - War Film directed by Michael Powell and produced by Michael Powell and George H. Brown.

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Quotes from

Andy Brock: The government says, "We want men to fight the Nazis, join today." So I joined. I figured they were in a hurry. That was three hundred and eighty seven days ago. Four divisions and a lot of drafts have gone overseas, and what's number B987642 doing? Guarding the Chippewa Canal. Who'd want to steal it anyway?

[last lines]
Andy Brock: Put 'em up Nazi... No not that way.
[He raises his hands to fight]
Andy Brock: This way. Cuz I'm not askin for those pants... I'm just taking 'em.

Lieutenant Hirth: Yes, I am a Nazi. Heil Hitler!

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Facts about

Raymond Lovell nearly drowned in the scene where the seaplane crashes in the lake as he couldn't swim and the plane sunk a lot quicker than anticipated.
The book 'The Film Business - A history of british cinema 1896-1972' by Ernest Betts states that this film " . . . is one of the first large-scale attempts at fictional propaganda by the British Government during World War II. It was partly financed by the Government and was given top priority and a prestige send-off by Vincent Massey, High Commissioner for Canada, where the film was made. No other project of the war was so boosted. Money, publicity and stars were unstintingly forthcoming - Laurence Olivier, Eric Portman, Leslie Howard, Raymond Massey, Anton Walbrook and Elisabeth Bergner. Of the film's budget of £130,000, £40,000 was supplied by the taxpayer. On location it soon ran into difficulties. Miss Bergner left the picture after a disagreement over the part she was playing. Efforts to persuade her to return were unsuccessful and she was replaced by Glynis Johns."
Peter Cushing had gone to Hollywood before the war, but things hadn't worked out too well, and he ended up doing a variety of odd jobs, which is how he came to be making props (not acting) on 49th Parallel. One day he had the job of making flags for model boats to be pushed around a map, and he made a lot of swastikas and laid them out in his digs. They were found by his landlady who promptly called the police.
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