Forty Guns Overview:

Forty Guns (1957) was a Drama - Western Film directed by Samuel Fuller and produced by Samuel Fuller.

Forty Guns BlogHub Articles:

Barbara Stanwyck and Barry Sullivan in Samuel Fuller's "Forty Guns"

By Stephen Reginald on May 31, 2022 From Classic Movie Man

Barbara Stanwyck and Barry Sullivan in Samuel Fuller's "Forty Guns" Forty Guns (1957) is an American western written and directed by Samuel Fuller and starring Barbara Stanwyck and Barry Sullivan. The film also stars Dean Jagger, John Ericson, and Gene Barry.John Ericson and Barbara StanwyckJes... Read full article

Western RoundUp: Forty Guns (1957)

By Laura Grieve on May 24, 2022 From Classic Movie Hub Blog

Western RoundUp: Forty Guns (1957) In last month’s column I took a look at Ambush at Cimarron Pass (1958), which I described as a “rather middling movie” which I nonetheless enjoyed. Forty Guns (1957) Movie Poster This time around I’ll discuss a film at the other end... Read full article

Forty Guns (1957)

By Beatrice on Jun 4, 2016 From Flickers in Time

Forty Guns Directed by Samuel Fuller Written by Samuel Fuller 1957/USA Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation/Globe Enterprises Repeat viewing/Netflix rental Griff Bonnell: And a weak man to take them. Fun Sam Fuller Western confirms my opinion that Barbara Stanwyck aged the most gracefully of th... Read full article

Forty Guns (1957)

By 4 Star Film Fan on Sep 11, 2014 From 4 Star Films

Samuel Fuller has got an eye for style, cinematic scope, and at times, subversive mayhem. It’s no coincidence that Forty Guns was shot in cinemascope, and it is one of the enjoyments of watching this film, which constantly bounces back and forth between long shots and close ups. To start thing... Read full article

Forty Guns (1957)

By 4 Star Film Fan on Sep 11, 2014 From 4 Star Films

Samuel Fuller has got an eye for style, cinematic scope, and at times, subversive mayhem. It’s no coincidence that Forty Guns was shot in Cinemascope, and it is one of the enjoyments of watching this film, which constantly bounces back and forth between long shots and close-ups. To start thing... Read full article

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Quotes from Forty Guns

Jessica Drummond: I'm not interested in *you*, Mr. Bonnell. It's your trademark.
[gestures at his gun, purring]
Jessica Drummond: May I feel it?
Griff Bonnell: Uh-uh.
Jessica Drummond: Just curious.
Griff Bonnell: It might go off in your face.
Jessica Drummond: I'll take a chance.

Griff Bonnell: What's the matter? You look upset.
Jessica Drummond: I was born upset.

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Facts about Forty Guns

Condemned in the US because of its brutal handling of the narrative, but praised in Europe for its stylistic vigor.
Barbara Stanwyck's stunt woman refused to allow herself to be dragged along a street by a horse, saying that it was too dangerous. Without further ado Stanwyck did it by herself. She got some bruises and scrapes, but was okay. At that time Stanwyck was 49 years old.
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Also produced by Samuel Fuller

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Also released in 1957

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