Flesh and Fantasy Overview:

Flesh and Fantasy (1943) was a Drama Film directed by Julien Duvivier and produced by Julien Duvivier and Charles Boyer.

Flesh and Fantasy BlogHub Articles:

Noir City 16: DESTINY (1944) and FLESH AND FANTASY (1943)

By Lara on Jan 30, 2018 From Backlots

Dear readers, if you’ve been following my Twitter feed over the past few days, you know that I’ve been attending the 16th annual Noir City festival–a weeklong smorgasbord of film noir favorites and rarities, on the big screen at the Castro Theatre in San Francisco. It’s been ... Read full article

Flesh and Fantasy

By Beatrice on Oct 17, 2014 From Flickers in Time

Flesh and Fantasy Directed by Julien Duvivier Written by Ernest Pascal, Samuel Hoffenstein, and Ellis St. Joseph from stories by Ellis St. Joseph, Oscar Wilde, and Laslo V?dn?y 1943/USA Universal Pictures First viewing/Universal Vault Series DVD Edward G. Robinson is the standout in?this anthol... Read full article

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Quotes from Flesh and Fantasy

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Facts about Flesh and Fantasy

"The Screen Guild Theater" broadcast a 30 minute radio adaptation of the movie on July 16, 1945 with Edward G. Robinson reprising his film role.
A fourth story was filmed but was cut from the final print; it was to open the film and the discovery of the drowned body was to link it to the mask story. The cut footage was expanded into a feature film, 1944's DESTINY.
"The Screen Guild Theater" broadcast a 30 minute radio adaptation of the movie on April 23, 1945 with Charles Boyer reprising his film role.
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Also directed by Julien Duvivier

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Also produced by Julien Duvivier

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Also released in 1943

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