Decision at Sundown Overview:

Decision at Sundown (1957) was a Drama - Western Film directed by Budd Boetticher and produced by Randolph Scott and Harry Joe Brown.

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Quotes from Decision at Sundown

[Discussing Sundown's town boss Tate Kimbrough]
Bart Allison: Is he a big man in Sundown?
Sam: The biggest. He's got that town in his fist and he's squeezin' it hard. Ain't heard folks complain much. Guess they're all scared.
Bart Allison: I'm glad to hear he's doing so well. When a man's riding high, the ground comes up and hits him a lot harder when he falls.

Sam: Bart, I think you done a fool thing. After all that searching around, it seems like you would have been satisfiedl to just kill him on sight.
Bart Allison: Even a rattler gives a warning.

Otis, the Bartender: Doc, when you have been tending bars as long as I have, you wouldn't expect so much out of the human race.

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Also directed by Budd Boetticher

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Also released in 1957

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