Decision at Sundown Overview:

Decision at Sundown (1957) was a Drama - Western Film directed by Budd Boetticher and produced by Randolph Scott and Harry Joe Brown.

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Quotes from Decision at Sundown

Otis, the Bartender: Doc, when you have been tending bars as long as I have, you wouldn't expect so much out of the human race.

Sam: Bart, I think you done a fool thing. After all that searching around, it seems like you would have been satisfiedl to just kill him on sight.
Bart Allison: Even a rattler gives a warning.

Lucy Summerton: John, we just can't let him ride away. If it wasn't for him...
Dr. John Storrow: Yes, he changed things for everybody in town. But, unfortunately, there's nothing we can do for him. I'll tell you one thing, none of us will ever forget the day that Bart Allison spent in Sundown.

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Also directed by Budd Boetticher

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Also produced by Randolph Scott

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Also released in 1957

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