Buster Overview:

Buster (1988) was a Film directed by David Green and produced by Norma Heyman, Peter E. Strauss and Julio Caro.

Academy Awards 1988 --- Ceremony Number 62 (source: AMPAS)

Best Music - SongMusic by Lamont Dozier; Lyric by Phil CollinsNominated

Buster: BlogHub Articles:

Learning more about ‘The Great Buster’ (Keaton)

By Virginie Pronovost on Feb 19, 2019 From The Wonderful World of Cinema

A few weeks ago, my dad told me they were going to screen a documentary on Buster Keaton at the Cin?ma du Mus?e in Montreal. We watched the trailer and came to the conclusion it looked like an amazing film and that we had to go see it. Working myself in a movie theatre which has the same administrat... Read full article

Fatty Arbuckle e Buster Keaton: quando o aluno supera o mestre

By L? on Feb 8, 2016 From Critica Retro

Fatty Arbuckle e Buster Keaton: quando o aluno supera o mestre Todos os g?nios do mundo tiveram um mentor, uma influ?ncia, um apoiador, algu?m que abriu caminho para que ele depois brilhasse. No cinema, todos os grandes astros come?aram com pap?is coadjuvantes em filmes estrelados por outras ... Read full article

The ‘High Sign’ (1921, Edward F. Cline and Buster Keaton)

By Andrew Wickliffe on May 27, 2015 From The Stop Button

The ‘High Sign’ starts innocuously enough. Leading man Buster Keaton is out of work and answers a want ad to be a clerk at a shooting range. Maybe the tone of the short can be determined from Keaton stealing a cop’s gun to practice, because things don’t stay innocuous for lon... Read full article

Fatty Arbuckle e Buster Keaton: quando o aluno supera o mestre

By L? on Nov 30, -0001 From Critica Retro

Fatty Arbuckle e Buster Keaton: quando o aluno supera o mestre Fatty Arbuckle and Buster Keaton: when the pupil surpasses the master Todos os g?nios do mundo tiveram um mentor, uma influ?ncia, um apoiador, algu?m que abriu caminho para que ele depois brilhasse. No cinema, todos os grandes... Read full article

The Great Buster: A Celebration (2018)

By L? on Nov 30, -0001 From Critica Retro

The Great Buster: A Celebration (2018) Uma das raz?es para o sucesso da Nova Hollywood - nome utilizado para se referir aos cineastas que come?aram suas carreiras no final da d?cada de 1960 e in?cio de 1970 - foi que eles n?o eram apenas cineastas: eram tamb?m cin?filos. O exemplo m?ximo ? Mar... Read full article

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