Broadway Thru a Keyhole Overview:

Broadway Thru a Keyhole (1933) was a Musical Film directed by Lowell Sherman and produced by Raymond Griffith and William Goetz.

Broadway Thru a Keyhole BlogHub Articles:

Musical Monday: Broadway Thru a Keyhole (1933)

on Sep 26, 2016 From Comet Over Hollywood

It?s no secret that the Hollywood Comet loves musicals. In 2010, I revealed I had seen 400 movie musicals over the course of eight years. Now that number is over 500. To celebrate and share this musical love, here is my weekly feature about musicals. This week?s musical: Broadway Thru a Keyhole (193... Read full article

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Quotes from Broadway Thru a Keyhole

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Facts about Broadway Thru a Keyhole

Film is based so exactly on the courtship of Ruby Keeler and Al Jolson that Jolson, having read the script, knocked out Walter Winchell when they met accidentally at the Hollywood American Legion stadium on the night of July 21, 1933. Keeler, who was a dancer at Texas Guinan's nightclub, was dating gangster Larry Fay when she met Jolson. Fay visited Jolson after hearing of this just to tell him that he could marry her.
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Also directed by Lowell Sherman

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Also produced by Raymond Griffith

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Also released in 1933

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