Batman Overview:

Batman (1966) was a Action - Adventure Film directed by Leslie H. Martinson and produced by William Dozier.

Batman: BlogHub Articles:


By Dan Day, Jr. on Apr 24, 2022 From The Hitless Wonder Movie Blog

Batman is my favorite comic book character, and just about every movie featuring the Dark Knight I've managed to go and see soon after its theatrical release. For the latest one, however, I felt no sense of urgency in seeing it in a theater. It is because I'm burned out by comic book movies and TV s... Read full article

THE POP STARS MOONLIGHTING BLOGATHON: Chad and Jeremy and Catwoman and Batman, 1966

on Mar 13, 2020 From Caftan Woman

Chad Stuart and Jeremy Clyde Gill at Realweegiemidget Reviews is hosting a unique blogathon devoted to the acting gigs of pop stars on March 12th to 14th. You will want to click HERE. Composer John Barry was influential in getting the folk-pop duo of Chad and Jeremy a recording contract and devel... Read full article

Batman: Dead End (2003, Sandy Collora)

on Mar 7, 2020 From The Stop Button

Batman: Dead End goes far in validating the idea of cosplay as successful costuming for film?well, not Andrew Koenig?s Joker?but definitely the Batman outfit. Costume designer Michael MacFarlane, cinematographer Vincent E. Toto, and director Collora do figure out a way to do a ?comics accurate? (if ... Read full article

Batman Versus Predator (1991)

on Oct 3, 2019 From The Stop Button

Batman Versus Predator, in case the title doesn?t give it away, is bad. It?s real bad. It could be worse, sure, but it?s real bad. It doesn?t open terribly?sure, the Kubert Brothers art is pretty bland from go, but the subject matter is at least sort of interesting (compared to where it goes later).... Read full article

Kapow! Batman: The Movie

By Cafe Guest Blogger on Sep 23, 2019 From Classic Film & TV Cafe

The Caped Crusaders board a yacht. Sarkoffagus, who wrote for the Classic Film & TV Cafe for its first five years, penned this special guest blogger review. As the Cafe celebrates its 10th anniversary this month, someone else has reached a prominent anniversary in 2019. The DC Comics character... Read full article

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Quotes from Batman:

Batman: They may be drinkers, Robin, but they're still human beings.

Batman: Hand down the shark-repellent Batspray!

Robin: Holy heart failure, Batman!

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Facts about Batman:

Dick Grayson appears outside of his Robin persona only twice and very briefly in the film. First, at the very beginning, and later when Bruce returns to Wayne Manor after being kidnapped. Dick's only spoken lines are in the latter scene.
The original trailer includes specially-shot footage of the 4 supervillains outlining their plans for the Dynamic Duo. Still frames from these sequences are visible when Batman and Commissioner Gordon watch a closed-circuit TV update on villains at large. The trailer also includes specially-shot footage of Batman and Robin addressing the audience about their first motion picture.
At the end of the film one of the delegates is seen banging his shoe on the table while yelling. This is a parody of Nikita Khrushchev's famous behavior during a debate in the United Nations General Assembly in 1960.
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Also directed by Leslie H. Martinson

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Also released in 1966

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