Across the Pacific Overview:

Across the Pacific (1942) was a Action - Adventure Film directed by John Huston and Vincent Sherman and produced by Jerry Wald.


After being given a phony dishonorable discharge, Army officer Richard Leland (Bogart) offers his services to Chiang Kai-Shek and the Chinese. On his journey through the Panama Canal, he comes across Dr. Lorenz (Greenstreet), a spy determined to blow up the Canal. It should be noted that the characters in the movie never reach the Pacific or cross it for that matter. Huston ultimately left production literally mid-scene to join the armed forces, leaving command of the movie in the hands of young director Sherman. This second feature directed by Huston reunites most of the cast from The Maltese Falcon (1941). Also available in a colorized version.

(Source: available at Amazon AMC Classic Movie Companion).


BlogHub Articles:

Lady Esther and the Screen Guild Players – Across the Pacific – 1943

By Bogart Fan on Mar 13, 2014 From The Bogie Film Blog

My Review —Drastically Abridged, but It Works!—? Honorary Bogie Fix: ?out of 5 Radio Bogies! The Lowdown For my synopsis of the storyline from?Across the Pacific, you can read my original write up on the film here. What I Thought I know that I probably don?t need to say this, but you sho... Read full article

Across the Pacific – 1942

By Bogart Fan on Mar 9, 2014 From The Bogie Film Blog

My Review —As Good as an Action Thriller Can Get— Your Bogie Film Fix: out of 5 Bogies! Director: John Huston (Vincent Sherman finished the film, uncredited, after Huston was called off to film war documentaries.) The Lowdown After being kicked out of the military for stealing funds, ... Read full article

24 Bogie Movie Marathon #12: Across the Pacific (1942)

By Google profile on Nov 18, 2010 From Out of the Past - A Classic Film Blog

About MeBlogger, Out of the Past - A Classic Film Blog and more. Please add my Google profile to your circles. (from Film Noir Photos) What an excruciatingly boring film. I could not get into it no matter how hard I tried. The story was convoluted, the characters were not interesting and I quickly ... Read full article

Across the Pacific (1942)

By Raquel Stecher on Nov 30, -0001 From Out of the Past - A Classic Film Blog

(from Film Noir Photos) What an excruciatingly boring film. I could not get into it no matter how hard I tried. The story was convoluted, the characters were not interesting and I quickly lost interest. In my research of Bogart's connection with Ben Affleck (don't ask), I discovered that Bogie wo... Read full article

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Quotes from

Alberta Marlow: [after they kiss] What's the matter?
Rick Leland: Look, I didn't mean that.
Alberta Marlow: I did. Why didn't you?
Rick Leland: Well, a fellow with a suit like mine, shouldn't go around kissing girls.

Rick Leland: How are you doing, angel?
Alberta Marlow: I think I got pushed in the face by someone. My - My lipstick's smeared.
Rick Leland: Aww, you look cute.
Alberta Marlow: And now, if you'll excuse me, I'll go to my cabin... and faint.

Rick Leland: I never saw anybody like you, you never have any clothes on.
Alberta Marlow: Well if anyone heard you complaining about it they would put you in a psychopathic ward.

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Facts about

Director John Huston went off to join the war effort before the film was finished, and Vincent Sherman directed the final scenes.
One of the Japanese is mentioned as a member of the "Kokuryukai", or Black Dragon Society. This was a nationalist Japanese organization, formed in 1901 to protect and develop Japanese interests, initially working against Russian expansion in Asia. In the US, during the Second World War, it became a convenient scapegoat for anti-Japanese propaganda and actions.
Though the film's plot was changed from Rick Leland foiling a Japanese plot to blow up Pearl Harbor to a Japanese plot to blow up the Panama Canal (necessitated when the Japanese actually attacked Pearl Harbor without Leland being there to stop them), the title wasn't, so the film is called "Across the Pacific" though the characters never even get TO the Pacific, much less across it.
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